Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Fellow Citizens,

I know you were starting to think that I was a crazy lunatic till yesterday when you saw the lease that Montgomery County had executed as soon as they had Joseph and Jeanne Godbout, Robert and Virginia Medbery throw me out of 8413 Ramsey Avenue with the Assistance of their Lawyer Alan Kerxton. They did not even wait one month.  They knew that I had foil and delayed their plans when I filed bankruptcy and they needed to get into 8413 Ramsey Avenue as soon as possible to start renovations.  As I have indicated, when you find out when  the contracts for the renovation of the building were executed, you will be able to see a clearer timeline of the Countys Plans.

 Let me tell you it was not easy fighting them.  They had money to go to court, I had none. They had attorneys, I did not.   They even violated the stay that stops creditors from harassing you in order for you to be able to try to put your financial house in order.  But you know when you have confidence that you are in the right and that there is a God, and God is with you, you continue to fight.   When you know that God will not give you more than you can handle, you continue to fight.  You do not give up until God tells you its over.

Fellow Citizens, I wonder how many other people in Downtown Silver Spring who did not know any better, they were able to destroy to and get away with.  I am sure Honorable Retired Senator Paul Sarbanes, who the Regional Center is named after would not want this type of mafia tactics used in a place that is name in his honor.  I use to trust the system, until this happened to me.  I would never have believed in my wildest dream that my Government and my Representatives would do this to me.  But I have learned to be strong even in the face of impossible adversity.

I know that Council Member/Vice President Valerie Ervin had you believing I was a lunatic when she sent out that letter that she took care of me two years ago.  I guess what she meant was that they thought the case had been covered up.  She indicated that she had a file on me.  Please tell her to bring the file forth.  I have a file on the County, and as you can see I have been showing you the contents of my file.  Be assured that more is to come out of my file.

I was very discouraged when the County frightened my lawyer into sabotaging the initial case filing.  But you know how when things happen to you, you start crying, until later you find out it was for the best.  I started thinking, the best situation may be for me to represent myself.  I can read, I can write, I went to school, so therefore, why can I not represent myself.  That way, there will no way that bribery can come into play, there will no sabotaging, and I have only one person to keep my eye on,  the County and their henchmen.

The County Attorneys Office were probably laughing their head off when they saw that I had refiled the case after my attorney made some mistakes that even a first year lawyer just out of school would not have made.  But I knew he was told to make the case go away.  Mr. Leonard must have thought that I was brain dead and could not put one and one together when he wrote to me January 16 2006 to let me know that the Judge for the hearing set for March 3, 2008 had been postponed because the Honorable Judge Katherine Savage could not sit on cases that Montgomery County was a party.  I am sure that the court knew that Honorable Judge Katherine Savage has a husband who is a Division Chief in the County Attorney Office, and therefore could not sit on the case.  I believe that they could get away with it, without anybody being the wiser.  The audacity of Mr. Leonard telling me which Judge was going to replace Judge Savage was the kicker.

Of course I immediately wrote to the County Executive Ike Leggett to inform him of my displeasure and concern about this tactic and to question if the process of setting dates and picking the Judge that would sit on the case was the responsibility of the County Attorneys Office or  was it the responsibility of the Circuit court scheduling office.

A copy of the letter from Attorney Paul Leonard has been attached for your reference by clicking on the following URL:


You can see my  letter to County Executive Ike. Leggett has also been attached for your reference.by clicking on the following URL:


Fellow Citizens, please pay attention to who has been carbon copied(cc:) at the bottom of my letter to the Honorable County Executive.  Do not let anyone tell you that they did not know what was going on when these crimes were being committed by the County against me.

Stay Tuned..............There is more to come

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