Fellow Citizens,
In 1997, the County Council for Montgomery County passed legislation to create the Inspector General’s Office to serve as a watchdog to detect and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in County government operations:
The goals of the Inspector General are to:
1. review the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and operations of County government and independent County agencies; 2. prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse in government activities; and 3. propose ways to increase the legal, fiscal, and ethical accountability of County government departments and County-funded agencies. Even the Prior leader of the County Attorneys office Leon Rodriguez defined the job of the Office of the Inspector General in a 2007 copy of Legal View Publication as follows: Fraud A dishonest and intentional course of action that results in obtaining money, property, or an advantage to which the individual committing the action would not normally be entitled. Waste The needless, careless, or extravagant expenditure of County funds, incurring of unnecessary expenses, or misuse of County resources or property. Abuse The intentionally wrongful or improper use of County resources that can include the excessive or improper use of one s position, in a manner contrary to its rightful or legally intended use.
Would you not say that the abuse the County Attorneys Office and the Department of real estate has put me thru deserves an investigation by this office as well as the State and Federal Government? Keep in mind that all mailings to alert the proper authorities of the intentional bankrupting of me and destruction of my business and personal life has been brought to the attention of this office several times through mailings that I sent to each of the council members since 2007 the Inspector Generals Office. Keep in mind that the building of the Paul Sarbanes Transit center was funded by local, state as well as Federal funds which prohibits discrimination. The building of this center was a concerted effort of Montgomery County, Maryland, and Washington Area Transportation Authority. I think that most of you know where I am going with this. Even Montgomery County prohibits Discrimination. According to the Department of Human Rights, "The Office of Human Rights investigates incidents of hate/violence and complaints of discrimination. Victims of hate/violence crimes can seek compensation for replacement of property through the County's Partnership Fund, administered by the Office of Human Rights." Their motto further states that it "creates a culture of service and a climate of fairness and inclusion." I wonder if they really preach what they write, or it just looks good on paper. : Would we classify the actions of Paul Leonard, Patricia Via, and Eileen Basaman in the County Attorney's office as "a hate incident" or does this policy apply only to other people and exempts them from the hate and violence they caused for me? Would we classify the actions of Cynthia Brenneman, and Steve Hayes a "hate incident" WHY NOT! They hated the fact that an African American Woman had a business and happened to be in a building that they needed for the so call "County". They were willing to go to the extent of committing racial discrimination to get that building. But you say that is going too far. Why would it be going to far? All of the actors where caucasion. I was the only African American. I was the only one that the hate was directed at. They committed Fraud. They Misrepresented their intent. They Discriminated against an African American and a Woman, In addition they interfered with a business relationship. Wow! And these are people we pay with our tax dollars!! Some of these people are actual attorneys with licenses who swore an oath to uphold the law. These are the people we entrust with the day to day runnings of our Government. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that ”No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000d Did they not know about this Civil Rights Act of 1964? I think they knew and felt that they were exempt from the law. After all who had oversight over them? The almighty Liberal Montgomery County. They even felt so powerful that they felt they could COMMIT PERJURY in Collusion with the Circuit Court and get away with it. During the first hearing of this case in the Circuit Court, Judge Pincus asked Attorney Paul Leoand if he was ready to settle this case. Of course he said no, that they had not broken any laws. Well we now know that they knew that they had broken some laws that were worthy of a Watergate style coverup. They felt that they were powerful enough, with no one looking for accountability from their office that they could lie, and cheat their way through any law. Even if it meant breaking and destroying and bankrupting another human being. If this incident had happened in Washington D.C. or Prince Georges County, we would be looking at the headlines and the fireworks. Fellow Citizens it is time for us to call a spade a spade. Even Montgomery Council Member Trachtenberg wrote in a Letter that she sent to the United States Department of Justice that addresses the overreaching nature of the Montgomery Government with no oversight in place. MORE IS TO COME..................................STAY TUNED............................................ |
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