Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well People, the battle continues.  Today I had another day in court in the Montgomery County Circuit Court.  Of course you know that Montgomery County was able to use our tax dollars to defend the seven defendants who discriminated against me under the judicial rule of res judicata, and the statue of limitation.  You ask what is RES JUDICATA? Well it is a rule that says that once an issue has been litigated and a final Judgement entered that the case cannot be litigated again against the same parties. The seven individuals, Steve Hayes, Shridhar Gondhalekar, Cynthia Brennanman, The Late Eileen Basaman...."there is a God" and he will be the final Judge of our deeds, Patricia Via, Paul Leonard, and Timothy Firestine. The statue of limitation issue was even addressed and the Judge decided that I was not deligent enough in trying to find these perpetrators despite the cover up mounted by these fine 7 citizens that we pay with our tax dollars.  WOW!  I get the blame because I was not able to uncover a conspiracy, fraud, and, deception in time.  Well there is not need to worry.  I have to prepare myself for the next step which is an appeal to the appellate court of the decision.  The battle continues. 

I knew that I had an uphill battle which has been the case since I came into contact with the people that call themselves our representatives and those we pay with our tax dollars to manage the day to day activities of our supposed county such as Steve Hayes and Co.  Little did we know that we had thugs and the mafia in power. 

Can you imagine after the case was over the learned attorney for the County Patricia Kane was scared to get into the same elevator with me?  The elevator opened, and it was just she and I that were there to board, but she quickly ran away and waited for the next elevator so that she would not come near me or look me in the eye.  I imagine she may not come into contact with people of color that often.  Especially those like me who she had a hand in helping to bankrupt, who had the ability to stand and fight back.  I know that there is a GOD!.

The fight continues.  Appeals will be forthcoming as well as a filing under Chapter VI at the Federal Level.  I am aware that they received some Federal monies for the building of the Paul Sarbanes Regional Center. 

The battle continues..........They have our tax dollars to fight the case, and I have God.................................................  See you next time.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Corruption in Montgomery County, Maryland Government: Martin Luther King Holiday and His Legacy

Corruption in Montgomery County, Maryland Government: Martin Luther King Holiday and His Legacy: "Fellow Citizens, Monday January 17, 2011 is the birthday of this Honorable Civil Rights Activist who made it possible for us to be able to ..."

Martin Luther King Holiday and His Legacy

Fellow Citizens,

Monday January 17, 2011 is the birthday of this Honorable Civil Rights Activist who made it possible for us to be able to hold up our head as people of color and be counted.  The person who made it possible that through his suffering and the suffering of some many others, discrimination was driven underground.  We assume that his suffering and sacrifice meant that discrimination and bigotry has been conquered.  We assume that because we have elected an African American President, that race relation issues have been resolved. 

Well people, I can testify that this far from the truth.    I am talking about hearing from other people about their experience.  I am talking about my experience in the supposed mostl Liberal County in Maryland; Montgomery County, Maryland.  Where the County Executive is an African American Man.  Where the President of the County Council is and African American Woman.  You would think that racism and bigotry would take a back seat and not rear its ugly head. 

It is interesting that  after I filed a lawsuit against the parties who conspired to discriminate against me and destroyed my livelihood, that the County assigned County Attorney Kane to use our tax dollars to defend these parties.  In her reply she stated that since they were performing the duties of the County, Montgomery County was obligated to help the fight the charges of racial discrimination and destroying someones business.  Even more interesting Ms. Kane did not say that these parties did not discriminate against me.  She indicates that the case should be dismissed because of the statute of discrimination in Maryland.  She did not say that the parties did not committ the discrimination. She further stated that they lawsuit I was bringing had been litigated and dismissed by the Montgomery County Circuit Court.  I wonder if she is aware that the case against Montgomery County is still at the special appeals court.  Furthermore, the parties named in the discrimination lawsuit had never been sued for discrimination at the Montgomery County Circuit Court or any other court in Maryland.  Be that as it may, the County has decided to condone their actions by supporting them in court.  I thank God for the discovery rule in Maryland.  That is the statute of limitation does not toll if fraud is present.  In addition, the statute of limitation starts at the time the injury is discovered by the injured party.  How can they defend the perjury committed by Attorney Paul Leonard in front of Judge Rupp that the county had no intention of renting the place when they had indeed signed the  LEASE.  How can they defend trying to lift stay on my bankrupty so they could assist to kick me out of the office space I was renting, which they succeeded in doing.  The arrogance is so big, that they renewed the lease for an additional 3 years at 8413 Ramsey Avenue, a COPY which I have attached for your reference.   I guess they feel that they have the clout to shove their atrocites and injustice under the rocks because of their connection at the Montgomery County Circuit Court. 

They have decided to support their actions by spending me and your tax dollars to defend them.  I am grateful that I am alive to see this day.  It could have been worse for me.  Thank God that they did not decide to set the dogs on me similar to what was done to the civil rights activist in Alabama. 

Is the only thing the Acting County Attorney, Marc P Hansen and the Associate Attorney Patricia Kane could come up with is that the action is barred by the Statute of Limitation?  They did not say that these people committed no wrong, they just decided to state that my complaint should be dismissed due to the Statue of Limitation.  A copy of Ms. Kane's motion to dismiss and motion to dismiss2 has been included for your reference. 

In 2007 I wrote a letter around this same weekend of Marting Luther King Birthday asking our Honorable Ike Leggett for his asistance to no avail.  I ask for the assistance of our now Council President Valerie Ervin, to no avail.  I thank God that I am around today to be able to put the puzzle together of the conspiracy to ruin my life just because Steve Hayes and Co. felt they could without any impunity.  Good always triumphs evil eventually. 

Stay tune............More is to come...................................................................................