I am sure we are familiar with the terminology Lynching. The Britannica Concise Encyclopedia defines Lynching as the Execution of a presumed offender by a mob without trial, under the pretense of administering justice. It says that in the United States, lynching was widely used in the post-Reconstruction South against blacks, often to intimidate other blacks from exercising their civil rights.
Most of us are aware that this was done by killing the victim by slipping a noose through his or her neck and hanging him or her to a tree. I am sure that most of us would believe that such acts could never happen in this Area we live in in Montgomery County Maryland.
Fellow citizens, I am sorry to take you out of your comfort zone and tell you that it is still happening today. Most of the time you will not find a noose around someones neck. But you will find other subtle ways of making sure that an African American is intimidated into not exercising their civil rights. How is this you ask?
I am sure that there are some African Americans who the noose above brings back memories of injustice of yesteryear that we hope never to see or hear someone in our lifetime experience. There may be others who will say that I have gone too far in equating my treatment by the Montgomery County Government with the Assistance of the Montgomery County Circuit Court as going too far.
But let me ask you, is it really going too far? I do not think so. Keep in mind that it is said that in the past, lynching was widely used in the post-Reconstruction South against blacks, often to intimidate other blacks from exercising their civil rights. In the past believe it or not other blacks would remain silent while this injustice was going on in order to save their own neck and to be regarded as one of the good guys by the other racial group that were doing the lynching.
My fellow Citizens, also remember that in the past most of the lynchings were done with the help of the law. The Judges and those deputized to keep law would turn their head when the lynchings would take place. Most of the time the Law would be the ones that would release the person to be lynched to the lynch mobs.
People I do not have to say more. Attorney Paul Leonard, Attorney Patricia Via, Attorney Eileen Basaman, Real Estate Specialist Steve Hayes, and Department of Real Estate Director Cynthia Brenneman of The Montgomery County Government together with the Hon. Judge Rupp and Hon. Judge Ann Harrington of the Montgomery County Circuit Court cooperated and staged a modern day lynching of an African American Woman and her dreams. They bankrupted me, they made me loose my home, and then they tried to intimidate me from speaking out. A police detective Sgt. Kenneth Penrod called me to inform me that I should clear all my writings with him before I send them out. And while this was happening, a couple of the government officials who happen to be African American just kept quiet in order to maintain their status quo. The Montgomery County Council kept quiet in order to maintain the status quo. The Montgomery Council President Floreen decided to keep quiet.
The most shocking being Council Member/Council Vice President Valerie Ervin, who happens to be a single mother herself, who had the audacity to write an email that said that they the Montgomery County Council took care of me two years ago, and that in addition they have a file on me. I am still waiting for that file. In addition, I want to know how they took care of me. Did she mean that they made sure that the case at the Circuit court would be fixed and the county would COMMIT PERJURY in the name of destroying me so that they could get take over 8413 Ramsey Avenue. A space that they could have had for the asking by just buying out my lease? Did she mean that they took care of me by bankrupting me? Did she mean that they took care of me by making me homeless? Ms. Ervin how did you take care of me?
Murdering or Stabbing a person is not the only way you can kill them. You also kill a person when you take away their means of making a living. My life was not worth beans to them. I was expedient. After all, the nerve of an African American wanting to make money in Montgomery County was insulting to the powers that be, the old guard. The notion of doing the right thing and doing business in an ethical and humane fashion was foreign to them, especially where an African American was concerned. After all they had the backing of the Montgomery County Circuit Court to support them.
I have shown you the Power Point that shows early in the game that 8413 Ramsey was their choice to house the Commuter Store. This document I got when I was a member of the Urban District Council in Downtown Silver Spring. I have shown you the 8413 RAMSEY AVENUE LEASE which shows that their intent was to get me out of that space by all means necessary. I have shown you THE EMAIL from the then Acting Director of the Department of Public Works Al. Roshdieh. I have shown you THE EMAIL from the Montgomery Council Vice President Valerie Ervin. I have shown the DEMAND LETTER from my Ex-Attorney. I have shown you THE EMAIL from Sgt Penrod of the Montgomery County Police Department. I have shown you the LETTER from Hon. Judge Ann Harrington. I have shown you my RESPONSE to Hon. Judge Ann Harrington. I have shown you the APPEAL TO THE COURT OF SPECIAL APPEALS. I have shown you the LETTER from Attorney Paul Leonard attempting to shop for a Judge whose husband is a division chief in the Montgomery County Attorney's Office, and the ANSWER I have shown you the LETTER from County Attorney Patricia Via to my Ex-Attorney referring the case to Schaffer Companies Ltd for investigation. I have shown you THE LETTER written to several people in the community including the Montgomery County Council and the County Executive after the ground breaking ceremony for the commuter store at 8413 Ramsey Avenue letting them know that they had been caught in their lies.
They professed that they had no intention of renting that building. Pray tell, why are you in there now? It is not a coincidence, it was premeditated murder, assassination, lies, and destruction of a human life and a family legacy. All these documents speak for themselves. They speak to the fact that the Montgomery County Government and their Cohorts thought that I had no voice. They thought I had little or no intelligence. I often tell people not to tell a book by its cover. They thought they would be able to get away with the assassination of a life and a legacy without anyone being the wiser.
These are the type of characters we entrust our live to. Does not speak much to our Judgement.
Fellow Citizens I will end here for now. More is to come..........Please stay tuned.
Unless a man is honest we have no right to keep him in public life, it matters not how brilliant his capacity, it hardly matters how great his power of doing good service on certain lines may be... No man who is corrupt, no man who condones corruption in others, can possibly do his duty by the community.
Theodore Roosevelt
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