Monday, September 27, 2010

Watergate Style Corruption in Montgomery County Government Part III

Fellow Citizens,

"A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and most powerful possess.
A. Philip Randolph"

The Saga continues.  I hope you found the documentation provided for this Watergate style Corruption in Montgomery County Maryland Government.interesting thus far.

As I left off in my second post.  I alluded to the fact that case against The Montgomery County was filed in the Circuit Court of Maryland.  The County was represented by County Attorney Paul Leonard with Patricia Via Assisting.  Upon the receipt of the case from my Attorney, they immediately filed a motion to dismiss.  Wow, I guess when they discovered that it was no longer child's play, and realizing that the run around I had been given was no longer working they decided to get on the ball about defending their position.  But Fellow Citizens, how do you defend running a person out of business; How do you defend bankrupting a company; how do you defend making someone homeless?

My fellow citizens how?

This is the County Attorney Office that is paid with our tax dollars, this is the Montgomery County Government that is paid with my tax dollars, and it is my tax dollars that pays the County Executive as well.  Oh I can answer my own questions.  They did not give a damn, they did not give a care.

During the first hearing the Judge asked Attorney Paul Leonard if he wanted to settle the case, to which he replied that legally they had done nothing wrong.  Attorney Leonard also answered that in his opinion that things may happen to people, but it does not mean that there is a legal remedy to right the wrong.  My goodness, we employ attorneys to use our tax dollars to do whatever they want to whether it is legally or morally wrong.  I daresay that my tax dollars is still paying Mr. Leonard just like it is paying the Honorable County Executive and the rest of the Montgomery County Council.  Again I say let us start off with a clean slate.  Lets start with people who care about the common man.  Let's start with people who are not busy congratulating each other for their win, like in the Gazette Article written after the primary election which I have included for your reference. Floreen forgets that she only got the third highest vote.  Why is that? The County Executive and Valerie Ervin where running unopposed.  In addition many of the other incumbents that ran lost.  Why is that? Is it that they were so busy running for the sake of winning, while they really had no real agenda to help the citizens of this county?

Back to my representation in Circuit Court by my attorney, who I dropped after I discovered that the County was attempting to bribe him to throw the case and filed the case representing myself.  Fellow Citizens in my next posting I will go into the County Attorneys office effort to shop for a judge to the point of trying to get a Judge whose husband is an attorney in the County Attorney's office to preside over the case.  Wow, why am I not surprised.

Till Next time............

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